It had been building up. I just wanted to go on my treadmill, sweat, pound, and get the creative juices swirling. But humidity was at an all time high, and…
Angel On Your Shoulder

Want me to read it to you? Click play below. Here, come here. Take my hand. Walk with me awhile. I have much to share. See, over there. Under…
Synchronicity: How mine has gone through the roof

I don’t know about you, but these past months my synchronicity has gone through the roof. I keep finding myself saying, “Goodness me. This came at exactly the right time!”…
Having spiritual discernment in the New Age

Want me to read it to you? Click play below. It’s important not to confuse metaphysical skill with spirituality. Not all people that display strong psychic, healing, or magical…
If Your Soul Could Speak

Want me to read it to you? Click play below. If your soul could speak, it would say: Dear Friend, You are deeply loved, more deeply than you know….
When I Trusted My Intuition (And Got It Right). When I Didn’t (And Got It Wrong)

Yesterday I gave an impromptu Facebook Live. It was in response to something I posted a few days ago, where I talked about living with a neurological condition, and the…
How To Meditate Longer & Go Deeper

Struggling to stay focused when you’re meditating? Can’t get through a whole chakra cleanse? Can’t stop the monkey mind? Or perhaps you want to go deeper into each one of your…
This is true healing. Only this, and nothing else

I got a distressed call from a client some days back. Her friend had had a session with a kinesiologist, and the kinesiologist had removed an “entity” from her energy…
Stop. Breathe. Take a moment

Are you “present” to life? Do you stop to smell the flowers, or are you always rushing to get past? Do you breathe in the steam of your morning coffee?…
You never know. It may happen to you

It happened for me late in life. I was thirty-seven; it was two and a half years ago. That’s when I met my best friend, Lauren. She came to one…