The past several weeks I’ve received more emails than ever asking me for help and clarity.
Sensitives and spiritual folk wanting to understand why they feel so isolated and disconnected. Why they’re crippled with anxiety and worry. Why their relationships are breaking down, or someone they love has suddenly died or taken their own life, or why they feel a deep urge to radically change the course of their life and do something bigger or better in the world but have no idea how.
It seems many people feel like they are “floundering in the dark,” unsure of where they’re headed, and why.
I was also asked if I thought the world was getting darker—if more shadow was growing on earth. Or if we were simply going through a “shadowy phase,” which will soon pass.
“Is this forever, Belinda, or simply a phase?”
As I type this, I look up and out across the reserve, out across the trees, the scrubs, and rocks, which are foggy and sleepy with early morning light. I connect to the vibration of the reserve, then to the vibration of the earth plane. I can feel the strong, grounded energy of Mother Earth.
But she’s weaker than she was before … and sadly, she grows weaker every day.
My immediately response would be, “I think the world has become more shadowy, and this isn’t just a phase (as much as I want it to pass soon).”
But to give this question its due justice, I need to ruminate on this.
I need to sit, breathe, meditate, pray, reflect, journal.
I need to spend time “being” with this question … And when I feel I have some deeper thoughts and insights about it, I’II come back and share them with you.
What I do know, though.
We shouldn’t turn away from darkness, pretending it isn’t there. That’s spiritual bypassing. Sticking our heads in the sand and saying there isn’t suffering, pain, and shadow in the world, isn’t going to solve any of our problems.
But, neither will focusing upon shadow. Fixating upon it, only amplifies it. And this, only creates more darkness.
Our spiritual lesson in these troubling times is to see darkness where it’s present and then to choose to either bring light to the darkness or make light from the darkness.
I know this isn’t an easy task, but it’s what’s required of us.
Wish me well on my quest!
with love,