I’ve spent the last 10 days reading and scheduling hundreds of White Light healing wishes.
On July 25 – 27, over 380 School of the Modern Mystic students will undertake a Global White Light Healing retreat. On this powerful weekend we will work intensely with the White Light to take a quantum leap in our spiritual development and create rapids shifts.
We will work on healing those aspects of our lives that aren’t working, and during this extraordinary three day stay-at- home retreat, we will change ourselves energetically so that we can attract more abundance, love, joy, health and success.
(This retreat is also open for the public/non-SoMM students to attend too! If you need a profound shift and a miracle, join us! https://belindadavidson.com/work-with-me/white-light-healing-intensives/).
So, lately I’ve spent lots of time reading each person’s healing wish, fusing it with White Light and scheduling it in…
What struck me while I was reading people’s healing wishes was the overwhelming number of people that are requesting physical healing. A large majority of you want perfect health as the outcome for your White Light Healing Retreat.
You want the disappearance of physical ailments and to have high energy levels. You want to be productive, vital, vibrant, joyous, and you want physical beauty; you want glowingly healthy bodies, self-confidence and lots of ‘get up and go.’
Yet, when you tell me about your life circumstances and how stressful they are, I understand why you are struggling to have perfect health.
Stress and perfect health are mutually exclusive. You cannot have perfect health and be stressed.
The number one factor that creates illness, disease and low energy is stress. If you’re stressed, your body can’t function properly and carry out its duties, and take it from me, this is a fact.
In my work as a medical intuitive I have read thousands of people’s energy fields, and in almost every single case stress and anxiety played a major role in their ill health. Also, I was very sick as a child and teen, and again, the major cause of my ill health was stress.
If you are relaxed and joyful your body runs like a brand new car, but if you are stressed and anxious it runs like an old bomb!
So often we look for the perfect diet, supplement, doctor, naturopath, exercise program and beauty regime to help us become vibrantly healthy and radiant, yet we forget that health is the result of being relaxed, fulfilled and having a positive outlook on life.
The quickest way to obtain perfect health is by trying your best to relax, stop struggling against your ill health and having a optimistic outlook in life.
When you are receiving the glorious White Light from me over those three sacred days of your retreat, my healing wish for you will “relaxation, fulfilment and optimism,” cause I know this will give you perfect health!
with love,