Jess Ainscough, aka The Wellness Warrior, is one of my favourite people on the planet.
She is a Hay House author, speaker, blogger and expert on anything about health and wellness. She also is a cancer thriver.
Yes, you read that correctly. I wrote cancer thriver not survivor, because she has cancer and is living healthy and happily with it.
I want to share this interview with you not only because I think Jess and her message is an inspiration to us all but because she is a client of mine, and in this interview we talk about the work we do together.
In this interview you will learn:
* A different perspective on cancer and other dis-eases.
* How I’m helping Jess with her exploration into soul medicine.
* What part fear plays in the presence of cancer and other dis-eases.
* The role of diet when it comes to cleaning up your energy field.
* Simple, daily practices you can undertake in order to listen to what your soul needs and wants.
The School of the Modern Mystic is now open for enrolment! Watch FREE Training videos & get a Sneak Peek of our course site.
Enrolment ends March 31st and we ONLY offer our course once a year, so don’t miss out!
in White Light + Love,