Stay Connected To the Beauty In Life: Keep a Gratitude Diary

Stay Connected To the Beauty In Life: Keep a Gratitude Diary

One of my favourite ways to stay connected to the beauty, joy and love in life is by writing in my gratitude diary every night before I go to sleep. I simply list everything I’m grateful for that day.

The human mind loves its problems, and it loves to chew, stew, fret and worry about what is not working in our lives.

We have the habit of focusing on what isn’t working and what we don’t want, forgetting that we need to focus on what is working and what we do want for the Law of Attraction to work for us.

Because our minds are programmed to focus on “lack,” we need to make a conscious effort to focus on “plenty,” and this is why I spend time focusing on what I have.

Focusing on what you have is particularly important when we want to create better health for ourselves.

I was unwell for most of my life. I had undiagnosed celiacs and was born psychic, which made me highly sensitive to people and my environment.

Sometimes just sitting next to someone on the bus who had a  headache would give me a headache for the entire day! I struggled with my health and well-being, and mostly felt “weak” and “vulnerable.”

When I started out on the healing path, I began by changing what I ate. I cleaned up my diet and removed the foods that I couldn’t tolerate.

This greatly improved my health but I would still suffer bouts of a bad tummy and poor health.  And when this would happen I would try another diet, in an attempt to get well.

What I didn’t know back then was that I was still creating poor health by worrying about it. Although I was eating better and taking nutritional supplements, I still had the mindset of an unwell person.

I was still fearing being unwell and focusing on what wasn’t working instead of rejoicing in my good health and focusing on what was working. It was only years later that I came to this realisation, and when I did, I stopped thinking like a sick person and almost, overnight, became a well person.

I love this quote from Abraham, channeled by Ester Hicks.

It is not attention to lack of wellness that makes you sick. It is attention to the lack of many things… Chronic attention to unwanted things holds you in a place of disallowing your physical well-being, as well as disallowing the solutions to other things you are focused upon. If you would focus your attention upon the experience of physical well-being as much as you focus upon the absence of it, not only would your recovery come quickly, but maintaining your physical well-being and balance would also be easy. – Ester & Jerry Hicks. 

Keeping an gratitude diary gives me the opportunity to affirm my health, wealth, abundance, creativity and joy. It keeps me connected to the beauty of life, and when I chose to focus on what I have, it expands and brings more of what I love to me!

in White Light + Love,


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