In the midst of learning an important life lesson you can’t know what it is. You’re in the midst of it.
You’re out at sea in the storm. You’re walking, feet sore and scorched, across a desert terrain in desperate search of water. You’re free falling, or drowning, or flailing, or at the bottom of the well, clambering or calling upwards.
These are life’s lessons.
They hit us hard; not soft. They’re supposed to. They need to leave a lasting impression.
Asking the question during a life lesson of, What am I supposed to learn here?, is futile. You can’t know the life lesson during the storm. Only once the storm has calmed, and the phase of reflection and integration begins can you see.
When you rise to the surface and come up for air, you will see with clarity.
During a learning phase, it’s best to say, I understand I’m learning an important life lesson now. Support me and hold me close during this time of inner confusion and turmoil, please.
That way you are working with the natural cycles of life:
Life lesson = going under to learn;
reflection = rising up to see more clearly;
integration = forging a higher and better way.
Life lesson, reflection, and integration—the three keys elements in the wheel of change that keeps you elevating. Pointing you, urging, nudging, and guiding you constantly towards your true north.
with love,