Many modern mystics worry that if they get present and step out of the thoughts, reactions and desires of the mind they will no longer reach and obtain goals.
One of the greatest fears that us, spiritual folk, face is the prospect that being mindful will lead to passivity. We deeply fear that letting go means forfeiting our goals and dreams, and giving up on what we passionately pursue.
We are scared that reaching for enlightenment will turn us into lazy, unmotivated and meek types, and it frightens us to think that presence practicing means we will spend all day at home on the couch in our pyjamas staring at the wall!
But this far from the truth…
When we practice mindfulness we become aware of what matters and what doesn’t. We also become acutely aware of our negative thoughts, self-depleting emotions, the roles we play, socialisation, expectations, desires and fears, and our sabotaging patterns.
This then allows us to bypass those thoughts and feelings that hold us back, and the more anchored in the present moment we become, the more we are able to overcome these sabotage patterns.
When your energy is grounded in the now, you will passionately pursue those goals and dreams that are in alignment with your soul. You will follow your soul’s path, and when you do this your life becomes imbued with a immeasurable joy, ease and abundance.
In my mentorship program this is a common fear many of my clients had. They were concerned that too much “spiritual, presence practicing work” would curtail their productivity at work. But, in all cases, this wasn’t the case.
The more they meditated and worked on their chakras, the more effortlessness and intelligence flowed into their work. They changed their energy, and sat back and watched their productivity and creativity at work soar!
Wishing you a spiritually productive week.
with love,