If fire is my destiny and we’re to dance for life, how do I grasp the passion end of the straw and leave pain hanging? Fire has been my silent…
Eyes Wide Shut – A Poem
In the tradition of women in my heritage I did all I could to hide— red hair dyed black, green eyes dulled, mouth pursed, cheeks pinched, balled fists turning to…
Upon A Flower – A Poem
Stretch yourself towards the wind and feel it making love to your face, lips, cheeks, chin— as if it were a bee upon a flower. May 9, 2019
On Death & Dying – A Poem
In the flicker of an eyelid, life on Earth will be over and you’ll take your last breath inside your beautiful body that housed and held you for this incarnation….
Who You Are – A Poem
Tonight, look towards the heavens and behold the stars. They are infinite in nature. You are infinite in nature. There is no beginning and no end to you. You stretch,…
I watched a tree die – a poem
Coffee at a cafe. Across the street a van pulls up. Men jump out. We watch as they hoist a cable around a palm tree. A man in a yellow…
You are Magic Cosmic Dust
Yesterday a vision found me while I was drinking coconut chai and watching my favourite jacarandra tree from my office. Whenever a vision finds me it begins with a feeling….