Want me to read it to you? Click play below. I’m an optimist by nature but I’m concerned about the state of the world. (It seems being calm and…
Having spiritual discernment in the New Age

Want me to read it to you? Click play below. It’s important not to confuse metaphysical skill with spirituality. Not all people that display strong psychic, healing, or magical…
When I Trusted My Intuition (And Got It Right). When I Didn’t (And Got It Wrong)

Yesterday I gave an impromptu Facebook Live. It was in response to something I posted a few days ago, where I talked about living with a neurological condition, and the…
How to stay strong in your energy (and not get dragged down by others)

I’m sure you’ve had the experience. You’re talking to someone and suddenly you feel strange. It doesn’t happen right away—somewhere about 15 – 20 minutes into the conversation. An odd…
You spoke. I listened. And this is what I’ve created for you …

Sometime last year, I asked people subscribed to my newsletter how I can better serve them. I asked them to fill out a questionnaire, telling me about their stresses, struggles,…
How To Meditate Longer & Go Deeper

Struggling to stay focused when you’re meditating? Can’t get through a whole chakra cleanse? Can’t stop the monkey mind? Or perhaps you want to go deeper into each one of your…
This is true healing. Only this, and nothing else

I got a distressed call from a client some days back. Her friend had had a session with a kinesiologist, and the kinesiologist had removed an “entity” from her energy…
Stop. Breathe. Take a moment

Are you “present” to life? Do you stop to smell the flowers, or are you always rushing to get past? Do you breathe in the steam of your morning coffee?…
The Truth About Cancer – It’s Complex

As you may already know, I worked as a medical intuitive for many years. My job was to look “inside” people and help them understand the cause of their health…
Someone I adore …

I can see it like it’s yesterday: My sister, Tanya Eva, and I in our nightgowns, in front of Mum’s full length mirror, holding hair brushes for microphones, belting out…