I have some important news that I want to share with you … After much thought, soul searching, and heartache I’ve decided to close my online school, School of the…
Release 2017. Make 2018 your best year yet.

What!? Are we really at the end of 2017? My goodness, where did this year go? I honestly don’t know. Suddenly it was January 1st, 2017, and just as suddenly it’s…
Are you willing to put yourself on the line for what you believe?

I’ve been running an online business for 5 years. It started after I took Marie Forleo’s B-School. It was 2010, and I’d just come back from a gruelling workshop tour…
I care about you, even though we’ve probably never met

There are currently 15,045 people subscribed to my newsletter and free healings, and I cherish every one of them. I’m honoured and humbled that these people are in my world,…
Saying Goodbye to Germany. Returning to Australia

You may know that I love Germany. That I lived here from 2001 – 2007 and feel Germany and I have an ancient love affair. You may also know that…
How to Handle Criticism – “Flip it, and reverse it”

You have a choice how you handle criticism, how to handle it when people negatively comment or give their opinion about your life/work/family/website/blog/social media stream. You have a choice, either…
How To Create an Original Brand & Have a Unique Message

Creating an original brand and a unique message is easy if you’re coming from the vibration of soul; if your frequency is alignment, and your brand and message are a…
Podcast – Why Your Soul Purpose Isn’t to Save the World

There is a growing trend I find worrying. With the explosion of the online world and the rising popularity of spirituality and self-help, another type of celebrity or guru has…
To Use or Not Use Social Media?

Many spiritually-minded people are cautious about social media. They’re wary of the ‘external-ness’ of it; the way it compels you to watch others, and always be up-to-date with everyone and…
(Audio Interview with Rachel MacDonald) How to Stay True to Your Spiritual Self in the Online World

This is an audio interview you should not miss! If you are an entrepreneur or are struggling to stay true to your spiritual self in the online world, and want…